Thursday 15 September 2011

Birthday Bash

Wow what a week it has been, my darling daughter had her 4th birthday, and my beautiful "baby" turned 1!! I cant believe I have a 4 year old and a 1 year old. This year has totally flown by. 
I can remember Haileys birthday last year, a day before Mr Hunter was born, and I managed to walk around the Royal Adelaide Show for 4 hours!

We had a joint party for the kids last weekend, which I hope we can do for at least another few years, or else I might start pulling my hair out at the thought of planning 2 birthday parties in the space of a few days lol.
The kids had such a great day, and got spoilt rotten. 
Here are a few pics from the day. We had a very colourful theme to the day :)
All the decorations were made by Alicia and myself. 

Cupcake Toppers

Cupcake Toppers

Cupcake Toppers

Hanging Decorations

Tissue Paper Pom Poms

Lolly Table

My favourite little man

Hailey opening up her awesome pool from grandad

I know its a year away, but I cant wait to start organising their next party, we had so much fun making all the decorations. Hmmmm maybe pirates and princess next year.....??

We are also busy sewing up storm for our next markets, which are on next weekend!!
If you in the area, pop on over to the Whimsical Markets and say hi :)

Enjoy the sunshine!

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Party Ideas!

I'm back! We have Internet again Woo Hoo!!

We are hoping to make this blogging thing a more regular occasion now. We would love to get some more followers so spread the word and please click the follow button on the right hand side if you haven't already and please leave us comments in the comment section after the post. We love hearing your feedback and comments and love knowing people out there are actually reading what we write :)

So my little Miss turned 4 on Monday! Starting kindy at the end of the month too which is absolutely frightening me but she's been asking to go ever since her 2nd bday so I know she is ready!

We had my Grandparents over for some afternoon tea and some of her little friends came over after that so I had a few little goodies set out on the table to make it a little bit of a party. I found a few ideas on Pinterest my new favourite obsession and thought I would share them with you guys to get some inspiration for your next kiddy party!

All the ideas were super cheap and pretty easy, since we decided we wouldn't be having proper birthday party's for the kids this year, I just wanted to do a little something so it still seemed special for Miss Jaime :)

My favourite is the cups! Dipped in melted chocolate and then in 100's and 1000's. Served with  chocolate milk and my absolute favourite striped paper straws! (which I actually ordered from the UK as the first thing I bought ready for our wedding back in Feb, I hadn't even looked at dress's or anything like that but I had my straws!!And that's all that mattered to me! haha)

Aren't they cute? I saw the idea done with small glasses but thought for a 4 year olds birthday plastic cups would be better and i think the bright coloured Ikea cups look great.

Then I did some strawberry and marshmallow's on sticks, with the ends dipped in melted chocolate and more sprinkles. Jaime's favourite foods are strawberries and marshmallows so thought she would love this idea. I was right :)

The melted chocolate on the bottom makes them easy to stand up and you could do any kind of fruit on these and even thread some different lollies on them too. (just remember to to watch the kids with the sticks, I cut the point off the end of the stick to make it a little less sharp)

And the other idea I found was Oreo biscuits on a stick dipped in chocolate and sprinkles. Yum!

Sorry for the poor photo. We really need to invest on a proper camera instead of relying on our trusty iphones.  Anyway, I think I should of tied a bow around the bottom of the all sticks together because it looks like a bunch of balloons doesn't it? When I saw the idea they were standing up, the sticks were sticking out of something and they looked great that way, but I didn't have much time to think about what I could use to stand them up, so onto the plate they went. I think the kids loved these the most :)

I had so much fun preparing these ideas and cant wait to do them again for another party. I know Dani has a big double birthday coming up soon with even better ideas so hopefully she will share them with us all on the blog. I cant wait to help her get things ready for her kiddies party its going to be a fun one!

Miss J's day was filled with princess dress-ups and barbies.. and look what her clever Aunti Dani built her especially for her birthday -

A dress-up hanging box. Isn't it awesome?? Painted in her fave colour too. I am so amazed that Dani saw this idea and thought she would give it a go and pulled it off perfectly! I would never in a million years think that someone like me could build this but Dani has inspired me to look at things differently. You don't know you can't do something with out giving it a go first. You might just surprise yourself!

Thank you so much Dani for this very special present. I cant wait to see your next creation! We do need desks remember love??? heehee :)

Hope everyone is having a great week. Let us know in the comments if you have tried anything creative lately :)

Peace out! xx

Friday 29 July 2011

New things coming soon!!

Hi everyone! Its Alicia here.

I have definitely been missing in action lately. I have horribly been without home Internet for two weeks now and I am definitely starting to have withdrawls. Its our Friday night catch up with Tim and Dani tonight so thought I would write a quick blog post while I'm here. Dani did actually bust me one morning this week sitting in her driveway with my laptop sneakily using their wi-fi!! haha! Told you I've been having withdrawls :)

Anyway we have been busy tonight working on one of our new products and are hoping to launch it soon so keep checking our facebook page for details. We are really excited to be doing some different things and testing new things out. We knew our crochet beanies and head wraps were not going to be popular through the warmer months (who wants a sweaty head even though they look cute and pretty?) so we have been thinking of lots of great new products ready for the summer! So excited for summer!!!

We will be selling off all our head wraps and beanies that we have in stock over the next few weeks at really cheap prices, so if your a bargain hunter like me keep checking back to our facebook page to see the specials. We have a head wrap SALE at the moment for $10 with FREE SHIPPING! and we can still take custom orders for head wraps for the same price. So email us at to get in quick if you would like to place an order :)

We will have a beanie SALE in the next couple of days and then the announcement of one of our new products coming very soon :)

Over and out!  xxx

Sunday 17 July 2011

Better Late....

Than Never!

So sorry guys for the lack of blogging lately! I promise we will get right back into it now that our first maket, the Beachside Childrens Market is over with :)

We had an awesome time there. There were some lovely ladies that we were chatting to throughout the day. Jayalyss, Roar and Stomp, Little Pickle and Retro Ragamuffins were just a few ladies that we met. We're sure we'll meet a few more friendly faces on our market journey over the next few months :)

Here is a little pic of our stall all set up with Lysh and myself sporting our very own Blue Sky Baby Headwraps! Very stylish hey!

We've having a sale on our facebook page at the moment, everything we have in stock is at our market prices, so head on over and grab yourself a bargain!

We cant wait to start stocking up for our next market in September, the Whimsical Markets at Elizabeth, although we're not looking forward to the 6am wakeup and drive down there ;)
We've got some new ideas in the pipeline for Blue Sky Baby, so keep your eyes peeled on here, and we might give you a sneak peak!

Hope everyone had a great weekend like us!

Peace xo!

Saturday 9 July 2011

Busy busy!

Blue Sky Baby will be at its very first market in one week!!  ONE WEEK!

We are so so excited to start doing the market thing, we have two others already booked after this one aswell.

We will be very busy this week, making lots of lovely things to have displayed on our stall all ready for sale.
One day this week we will be having a 'hairclip' day to make up a whole new batch of cute hairclips. Since we sold a lot of them at the stirling markets with Danica's Oma we have ordered in more alligator clips, snap clips and pink bobby pins, all ready to add our designs to. We are thinking pink and brown butterflys, some cute colourful cupcakes, new coloured felt circles and fabric and felt hand stitched flowers and lots of other new designs we cant wait to show you.  :)

Here are the new labels we have made up ready for our stall - (check out the hot prices!!)

All of our stock at the Beachside Childrens Market at Victor Habour will be at special market prices.
If you come to the market it will be a good chance to stock up on all your favourite Blue Sky Baby products with a great discount and you wont have to pay postage :) And if you would like to order something in particular to be picked up at the markets please let us know so you can save on postage and we will have your item ready and waiting for you, all you have to do is send us an email at

We will also be spending a day making up a new lot of huggable hoots! These ones will be different colours to the last bunch, this time more pinks and purples, very cute! They are a great present to take to the hospital to meet a new little baby especially with the personalised name hand stitched onto it.

We are also finishing up our custom beanie orders we received in our sale. The 5 spots we had available went very quickly we were so excited to see and cant wait to do it again soon :)

Hope everyone is having a warm and cozy Saturday whatever you might be doing! I am happy to say I'm already in my Pj's and I think a hot chocolate is calling my name :)

Peace out! xx

Sunday 3 July 2011

Market Dates

Wow! It's been so long since we have blogged!

We have been busy little mumma's lately, booking market stalls for some upcoming, brand new markets that we are so excited to be a part of.

We have been busy getting stock ready for our very first stall Wooo!!
We would love it if you came down to see us. There will be some great Blue Sky Baby market specials on the day.

Beachside Children's Market 
Victor Harbor
Lutheran Centre, 21 Adelaide Road

Saturday the 16th of July
10am - 3pm

We are so happy this market is inside so we dont have to worry about the weather :)

We have also just found out that we have been accepted to the brand new "Little Monsters Market" which we are very excited about!

We have some cute halloween ideas for this market since its so close to the day, and we are so happy this market is very close to home. Cant wait to meet all the other lovely stall holders and make some new friends ;)

We also have the Whimsical markets coming up in September

We are busy making more gorgeous 'huggable hoots', a whole new collection of hair clips and headbands, our head wraps have been very popular so we are stocking up making alot of them to sell for a great price at the markets and also some cute and cozy beanies in a range of different sizes and colours.

If there is anything else you would like to see us make please let us know in the comments below. We love hearing feedback from you :)

To celebrate the exciting markets we have coming up we are holding SALES over the next couple of weeks. Over the weekend we had a Headwrap sale - $10 for all sizes and it was very popular! Keep a look out over the next couple of days we will be offering a great special on beanies you do not want to miss out on!

Hope everyone had a warm weekend, wasnt it cold??? brrrr and very wet.
I'm already looking forward to christmas, is that crazy? Yes I'm that person, I LOVE christmas :) hehe

We definately wont make you wait this long for our next blog post again. Promise ;)

Peace Out!!

Wednesday 22 June 2011


Hi everyone!

Look what you could win!!!

If you would like to be in the running to win a $20 Blue Sky Baby voucher then all you have to do is a leave a comment on this post telling us -

 1. What is your favourite Blue Sky Baby product?


 2. What would you like to see us make? either for your baby, child or for yourself!

We are thinking about adding some Mum things to Blue Sky Baby and are curious to hear what you might like.

You have until Friday 11:30am to leave us a comment, will be choosing a winner and we will announce it on our Face book page just after 11:30 Friday.

Good luck to everyone and thank you for entering our giveaway!!

Peace Out! xx

Monday 20 June 2011

150 Likers!!!!

Hi guys, its Danica here :)

We have officially reached 150 likers on facebook! We're a bit excited because that means that we get to have a give away for all you lovely people.

The giveaway will work like this.....

Send your friends and family over to our page Blue Sky Baby and have them write on our wall that YOU sent them over to us. We will tally how many referrals everyone gets, and the person with the most will receive a $20 gift voucher for Blue Sky Baby to spend on anything they like! What an awesome prize :)

We will be running the competition from today at 12pm through to Wednesday 12pm.
The winner will be announced on the blog at 12:30pm Wednesday after we've tallied everything up :)

Some more news from us, we are so excited to be attending the Whimsical Markets in September.

We think these markets are going to be very popular, so we're very excited to be a part of them.
Thanks Whimsical Markets!!

Because we love sharing pics of our kids, here is one of us at the zoo the other day :) The kids loved the animals, Hunter was especially fond of the deer, Hailey was a bit freaked out lol.
Do you notice what Hailey is adorable Blue Sky Baby beanie!!

Good luck with the giveaway, don't forget to tell you friends and family about it :)

Over and Out!!

P.S.  for those of you having trouble leaving comments, we have taken the word verification off so please let us know if your still having trouble 

Friday 17 June 2011

Busy busy!

Hi guys It's Alicia..

Its been a busy busy day today in Blue Sky Baby land :)

We have put the 'Huggable Hoots' up for sale on our facebook page. They start from $10 for the smaller one 11.5cms in height and up to $15 for a 20cm one.

                       This hoot is 16cms and $13 and has a soft polar fleece backing

I know we have already told you this but they are just so soft and cuddly!  We can even personalise it for you by hand stitching your child's name on the front for no extra charge. Miss Jaime has been sleeping with hers every night and takes it in the car with us everywhere we go, Its the perfect size for travelling and cuddling in the car.

We have plans to make the smaller ones into something special so keep checking back to our page to have a look at what we come up with :)

We have also added some new head wraps that clever Dani has been working on lately. She has picked up the crocheting so unbelievably quickly I know her Oma Lucy is very proud! Hi Oma!!

                               These head wraps are to fit 2 yrs - Pre teen and are $12 each

We had lots of requests for adults sizes as soon as we posted this pic and we definitely can make them to fit us mums too so if you would like to order one please send us an email at
and let us know what colour you would like and if you can, send us a head circumference measurement so we can make it to fit perfectly!   I have one in a soft green and wear it every time I have to do a supermarket run in the late afternoons when it starts getting really chilly. It keeps my head so toasty and warm! (I'm actually wearing it right now lol)

Ok I have a question for everyone who is reading this..

Where do you stand on the 'lol' - laugh out loud thing??  Dani and I write it to each other all the time in our text msgs and emails but I have another friend who hates it and refers to it as 'leg of lamb'. Every time I go to type 'lol' on the blog I am hesitant and wonder what you all think of it so I am putting it out there!!  If you want us to stop let us know in the comments and if you love it and use it yourself please also let us know what you think.
haha I think this will be interesting..

Anyway back to business, I have a sneak peak of some boy snuggly pillows we will be posting soon -

These will all have hand stitching detail like the hoots and custom name personalisation!
They have a navy blue sooo soft fleecy backing that is very nice to snuggle! I love that my little man will have something of his own like his sister has, he has already chosen a rocket one and keeps trying to take it from the table at any chance he gets. I haven't finished it sorry boy! And I know Dani has her eye on one for her Hunter. I will hopefully have these done over the weekend so keep checking our page!

Speaking of my little man, he has just fallen asleep on the floor right in front of me

Uggh too late for an afternoon nap mate and too early for you to be in bed without your tea. Looks like he will be wide awake until after 11 tonight!! what fun :)

Hope you all are having a relaxing night tonight like us. Spaghetti for tea my favourite! Yum.

Peace OUT!!

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Sneak Peak

Welcome to our new look blog! Isn't is pretty??

Blue Sky Baby has some new things coming soon, we have been working on a few new ideas in the last couple of weeks and are getting very close to having them finished.

So thought I would share with you guys a little sneak peak of what Alicia has been up to over the long weekend.

I cant believe how clever she is!!
These owls are sooo cute.
She's made a personalised one for Miss J, and I'm going to keep on her case to make one for Miss H, its adorable :)
They have the softest backing, so fluffy and cuddly, so we're calling these little beauties
"Huggable Hoots" Love the name? We do!

We know there is always a shortage on handmade things for boys so we are doing our best to come up with ideas for your little man, We are working on some cute cuddly pillows that he can take everywhere he goes so keep a look out for them coming soon :) 

Well we have some exciting news to announce.... we have booked our first MARKET STALL!!

The Children's Beachside Markets at Victor Harbour on the 16th of July 10am-3pm

We would love you all to come down and visit our very first market stall, we are so so excited for it and will be busy little bees getting ready for it. Got plans for a few new things and will have lots of market specials on the day!

And if you want to see some cuties in our beanies, head on over to our facebook page and have a look at the pics that people have uploaded of their kids. Adorable :)

Hope everyone had a great Queens Birthday long weekend.

Over and out xx

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Present Ideas

Hi guys its Danica!

Wow its been a cold few days this week!! I hope it gets warmer soon, I dread getting out of bed these days!
It has been a busy few weeks for us over at Blue Sky Baby.
We've had Alicia's 27th birthday, her hubby's birthday, and my sister and step dads birthdays too.
With all these birthdays and more to come (my own hubby's in a few weeks) I tried to think of a way to cut down on present costs. Handmade stuff maybe???
I will show you what I made for my sisters birthday, because all I got Alicia and her husband were a card and scratchies, and I'm sure you don't need to see a pic of that :)
I had to make something nice and thoughtful for my sister as it was her 21st birthday, So I decided to make her a hand stamped necklace!!

This necklace is 2 x 5/7" sterling silver pendants with a swarovski crystal (her birthstone colour) and a fresh water pearl on a sterling silver ball chain.
On one disc I stamped her initials.

The other disc I stamped her birth date and a little heart.

I also made this one.
It is a 7/8" sterling silver washer hand stamped with
" a sister is a friend forever"
It has 2 freshwater pearls on a ball chain necklace.

I love how they turned out. My sister loved them too, which is always a bonus ;)

I love doing handmade gifts, whether its a hand stamped necklace, or a card, a photo collage of your kids. Whoever you give it to, will surely love it

Enough sappiness from me

Peace out!!

Monday 6 June 2011

Best Aunties Ever!!

So I'm getting older.. i just had a happy birthday and turned 27!! I don't feel 27 at all.. It doesn't help i look about 17, I still get people calling my house phone and when I answer they ask if my mum or dad is home. Ive even had a man knock on my door and ask if my dad was home! And I was 7 months pregnant!!!

Any way, I had an awesome day, my girls and their kiddies all came over for morning tea. My Nan and Pa brought my favourite spaghetti for lunch, and my hubby cooked us a 3 course meal for tea. That is actually amazing in itself as he has probably only cooked tea 3 times in the nearly 5 years we have been together.
He made salsa.... from SCRATCH!!  It was beautiful!! Ive already ordered him to make that again. Chicken wings with a special saucy coating. YUM. And also stuffed green peppers. AMAZING! It was all so yummy and the best present! He knows I love Mexican :)

I also received a couple of packages from Mr Postman and they were from my darling aunties! They are the sweetest and always give me the best presents, They know exactly what I like. Michelle gave me a spotlight voucher!! WooHoo! I'm there every week so its perfect!  And Jen sent me two beautiful crochet books! I cannot wait to own a home one day and one of my dreams is to have a library room full of books with a big armchair in the middle. So I'm so excited I have 2 more books to add to my collection :)

Thank you so much Michelle and Jen! Thank you for knowing me so well xxxx

Best Sunday Ever!!

I love those kind of sundays that you have no plans to leave the house, its raining outside, its warm inside, the kids are playing nicely together and keeping themselves amused, tea is already in the slow cooker and you can smell it cooking all day... 

I just had one of those sundays!

I had the sewing machine going, the glue gun on, I ironed owl prints, I cut out felt, played with elastic, I have had so many new ideas floating around in my head and sunday was the day for me to try them out. It was such a relaxing creative day and with 4 cups of coffee under my belt it was very productive! :)

Sorry I dont have any sneak peak photos to show you but we will be adding new items up for sale as soon as they are completely finished!

Hope everyone else had a great weekend!

P.s I will have a post soon about what my favorite aunties bought me for my birthday :)

Thursday 2 June 2011

100 liker SALE!!

We did it!!  We reached the 100 liker milestone on our facebook page!! YIPEEEE!

At last check we have 106 likers which makes us soooo happy!  Keep sharing the Blue Sky Baby love people and thank you to everyone who has liked our page and supports us.

To celebrate we are having a SALE................... YAY!

Starting at 8am tomorrow morning the 3rd of June 2011 running until Monday 6th of June 2011 8am.

We will have $5 off ALL crochet beanie orders and head wrap orders!

Our customised prints will be $15 down from $22.95!

We have smaller all ready framed prints in 4 different colours which will be $15 down from $19.95!

And lots of hair clips starting from $1 !!! And Hair clip boards starting from $8!

You can go and check out our SALE folder right now and start shopping in the morning at 8am!

Happy shopping guys!!

Peace out xx

Monday 30 May 2011


The very talented other half of Blue Sky Baby Danica has designed our new logo!
Told you she was the computer girl!

We have two logo designs! The one above will be on our face book page and on banners and signs we have at our market stalls in the near future .. more on that later :)

And this one will be on the front of our business cards and hair clip cards

And this is the back..

Hope you all like them!


Thursday 26 May 2011

We have HEADBANDS!!!

We finally have gotten around to making our baby head bands and have just posted them on facebook!

They are so so cute and the perfect baby shower or newborn present idea along with a little beanie of course ;) If you do have a special present in mind please let us know and we can gift wrap it for you for free and even post it forward to the lucky person! :)

Here are the crochet rosettes on wide bands. The size for all 3 are,  newborn - 3 months


These would look great for newborn photography shots!

We are making all sorts of different designs, here are a few of our favourites

Pink double yoyo. newborn - 3 months


Small pink crochet flower with button. newborn - 3 months


And a felt & fabric purple flower. size newborn - 3 months


We love creating these little head bands and are thinking of new ideas all the time. If you would like to see any different colours please let us know (yes Chris, i know your little girl would like yellow ;) will make some for her tomorrow xx ) And we can do any size you like. Just shoot us an email at or go to our facebook page and write on our wall if you would like to make an order.

So we have been quite busy with crochet beanie orders lately, that we have had to make an important business decision. We both came to the conclusion that Danica.... ...would have to learn to crochet!!

I was lucky enough to learn from my adorable Nanna (who I love to pieces!) when I was around 11-12 years old. I then didn't do much of it in my teens because I was way too cool to be doing something so nannerish!! :) But I kept picking it up again and again every time I would stay with my Nan. I started making a few baby rugs for friends and one for my own baby girl and then tried a couple of beanies but have only started properly reading patterns in the last 6 months. It took me ages to learn properly so I thought we better start teaching Dani now so when we become really overwhelmed with orders (our fingers are crossed for that moment by the way haha) she would have enough time to pick it up and eventually be ready to start selling.

Little did I know Dani would pick it up within a week and a half. A WEEK AND A HALF!!
I thought It would be months! It took me years!! I am so proud of her, she is already reading patterns and knows what the stitches are called, but I do feel a little like I'm not as special anymore lol.. I was the crocheter, she was the computer girl. Now she has one up'd me. So now I will have to learn computer. Wish me luck please because I am going to need it :)

look at this little beanie.. Its perfect!!

I'm so proud of you Dani! My little business buddy! xx

Sorry this post has been a bit of a long one. I have heaps more to tell you but the 'Oprah, second to last ever episode' is calling me!!

Call back soon guys!


Sunday 22 May 2011

Giveaway post announcement

Thank you so much to all our new likers and blog followers! We really appreciate all of your support while we are trying to get our little business up and running.

The winner of beanie give away is ........ AMBER!

Here is her comment -

My favourite is the monkey ears. Reminds me of a beanie my hubby bought for our daughter, in anticipation of her birth, but it was too small from the start! So I would love one that actually fits.

Congratulations Amber! go check your email :)
Cant wait to get started on your little one's beanie!

Thank you to everyone who entered, we loved doing this and will definitely be doing more giveaways in the future :)

Had a lovely day at the lollipop markets this morning! Miss Jaime and I had 'girl time' and left the boys at home! We got there right on 10am opening time, and the car park was packed! We lined up to get in and this was the line behind us -

It was crazy! I ended up getting the very last goody bag when i got through the doors so I know i was number 100 in the line :)

I was so overwhelmed when I walked in the doors and saw the first few stalls, everything was GORGEOUS! There are so many clever ladies out there making beautiful homemade things for their kiddies! I got to speak to a few stall holders and everyone was so nice and friendly. The space was completely jam packed, not much room for prams to get through, I was so happy I didn't have one. I could of bought a million things but I only went home with this baby -

Its a handmade notebook! Its hand bound!! And its absolutely adorable. If anyone knows me they know I like to write lists and just anything really. I do love a good notebook!
It was only $5.00 and I already have my eye on a larger one. Its from 'First To Five' look her up on fb. She also does memory books, like baby books for you to write all your baby's details down and every page is a template she has created. They are beautiful! She is very clever.

Jaime was pretty good holding my hand through the crowd so after we had seen everything we waited in line for 30 mins to get her face painted. A 'rainbow glitter butterfly' she asked for! She knows what she wants :)

Hopefully it wont be too long until we see Blue Sky Baby at lollipop markets!


Friday 20 May 2011


Its Blue Sky Babys first ever give away!

The winner of the giveaway will be able to choose a beanie from our facebook page or have one custom made for them.

All you have to do is be a liker of our facebook page and comment on this post telling us which is your favourite beanie and please leave us your email address so we can contact you if you are the lucky winner! :)
You may only enter once and the winner will be selected through on sunday night at 7:30pm.
You have from 7pm Friday until 7pm Sunday to enter.
Winner will be notified by email shortly after.

Good luck to everyone and have a great weekend!


Thursday 19 May 2011

Whats for Dinner Wednesdays (on Thursday)

Well Wednesday flew right by me, and I forgot to put up the Whats for Dinner Wednesdays Recipe, so sorry guys that its a day late, but better late than never hey!

For us, Thursdays are usually the food shop night of the week, and Wednesdays are a use whatever is left over in the fridge and pantry kinda night.

So here's what I put together :)

Lets just call it....... Chicken and Ricotta Pasta


2 chicken breast fillets cubed
2 cloves garlic crushed
1 tbsp olive oil
1/2 bag penne pasta
handful spinach leaves roughly chopped
1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese
1 red onion finely chopped
2 tbsp chives chopped up
2 tbsp parsley chopped up
1 tub smooth lite ricotta cheese
1 cup broccoli florettes
salt & pepper
pinch chilli flakes

~ Put pasta in a pot of boiling salted water and cook for reccommended cooking time.

~ Meanwhile, add cubed chicken, garlic and oil to a pan and cook chicken until browned and cooked through.

Then add broccoli florettes to the pan and cook until they are softened.

~ In a bowl, add ricotta cheese, parmesan cheese, red onion, parsley, chives, spinach, pinch of chilli flakes and pepper. Mix together.

~ Once the pasta is cooked and the broccoli is softened, add pasta to the chicken and broccoli and add the cheese and herb mixture to the pan, and cook on a low heat until cheese is melted through.


Heres a pic of my little man "helping" me cook dinner.

Hope you guys enjoy this dish as much as I did.

Peace Out!!