Monday 20 June 2011

150 Likers!!!!

Hi guys, its Danica here :)

We have officially reached 150 likers on facebook! We're a bit excited because that means that we get to have a give away for all you lovely people.

The giveaway will work like this.....

Send your friends and family over to our page Blue Sky Baby and have them write on our wall that YOU sent them over to us. We will tally how many referrals everyone gets, and the person with the most will receive a $20 gift voucher for Blue Sky Baby to spend on anything they like! What an awesome prize :)

We will be running the competition from today at 12pm through to Wednesday 12pm.
The winner will be announced on the blog at 12:30pm Wednesday after we've tallied everything up :)

Some more news from us, we are so excited to be attending the Whimsical Markets in September.

We think these markets are going to be very popular, so we're very excited to be a part of them.
Thanks Whimsical Markets!!

Because we love sharing pics of our kids, here is one of us at the zoo the other day :) The kids loved the animals, Hunter was especially fond of the deer, Hailey was a bit freaked out lol.
Do you notice what Hailey is adorable Blue Sky Baby beanie!!

Good luck with the giveaway, don't forget to tell you friends and family about it :)

Over and Out!!

P.S.  for those of you having trouble leaving comments, we have taken the word verification off so please let us know if your still having trouble 


Anonymous said...

Okay, so I like all the gorgeous kids beanies you guys make, but I think I like the little huggable hoot dude I think he's called, the most.

And I think you should make mobile phone covers (I saw Alicia's 'scrap material' one and thought it was a pretty cool idea).
I'd definitely buy one :)

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