Thursday 26 May 2011

We have HEADBANDS!!!

We finally have gotten around to making our baby head bands and have just posted them on facebook!

They are so so cute and the perfect baby shower or newborn present idea along with a little beanie of course ;) If you do have a special present in mind please let us know and we can gift wrap it for you for free and even post it forward to the lucky person! :)

Here are the crochet rosettes on wide bands. The size for all 3 are,  newborn - 3 months


These would look great for newborn photography shots!

We are making all sorts of different designs, here are a few of our favourites

Pink double yoyo. newborn - 3 months


Small pink crochet flower with button. newborn - 3 months


And a felt & fabric purple flower. size newborn - 3 months


We love creating these little head bands and are thinking of new ideas all the time. If you would like to see any different colours please let us know (yes Chris, i know your little girl would like yellow ;) will make some for her tomorrow xx ) And we can do any size you like. Just shoot us an email at or go to our facebook page and write on our wall if you would like to make an order.

So we have been quite busy with crochet beanie orders lately, that we have had to make an important business decision. We both came to the conclusion that Danica.... ...would have to learn to crochet!!

I was lucky enough to learn from my adorable Nanna (who I love to pieces!) when I was around 11-12 years old. I then didn't do much of it in my teens because I was way too cool to be doing something so nannerish!! :) But I kept picking it up again and again every time I would stay with my Nan. I started making a few baby rugs for friends and one for my own baby girl and then tried a couple of beanies but have only started properly reading patterns in the last 6 months. It took me ages to learn properly so I thought we better start teaching Dani now so when we become really overwhelmed with orders (our fingers are crossed for that moment by the way haha) she would have enough time to pick it up and eventually be ready to start selling.

Little did I know Dani would pick it up within a week and a half. A WEEK AND A HALF!!
I thought It would be months! It took me years!! I am so proud of her, she is already reading patterns and knows what the stitches are called, but I do feel a little like I'm not as special anymore lol.. I was the crocheter, she was the computer girl. Now she has one up'd me. So now I will have to learn computer. Wish me luck please because I am going to need it :)

look at this little beanie.. Its perfect!!

I'm so proud of you Dani! My little business buddy! xx

Sorry this post has been a bit of a long one. I have heaps more to tell you but the 'Oprah, second to last ever episode' is calling me!!

Call back soon guys!



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