Sunday 17 July 2011

Better Late....

Than Never!

So sorry guys for the lack of blogging lately! I promise we will get right back into it now that our first maket, the Beachside Childrens Market is over with :)

We had an awesome time there. There were some lovely ladies that we were chatting to throughout the day. Jayalyss, Roar and Stomp, Little Pickle and Retro Ragamuffins were just a few ladies that we met. We're sure we'll meet a few more friendly faces on our market journey over the next few months :)

Here is a little pic of our stall all set up with Lysh and myself sporting our very own Blue Sky Baby Headwraps! Very stylish hey!

We've having a sale on our facebook page at the moment, everything we have in stock is at our market prices, so head on over and grab yourself a bargain!

We cant wait to start stocking up for our next market in September, the Whimsical Markets at Elizabeth, although we're not looking forward to the 6am wakeup and drive down there ;)
We've got some new ideas in the pipeline for Blue Sky Baby, so keep your eyes peeled on here, and we might give you a sneak peak!

Hope everyone had a great weekend like us!

Peace xo!


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