Monday 6 June 2011

Best Aunties Ever!!

So I'm getting older.. i just had a happy birthday and turned 27!! I don't feel 27 at all.. It doesn't help i look about 17, I still get people calling my house phone and when I answer they ask if my mum or dad is home. Ive even had a man knock on my door and ask if my dad was home! And I was 7 months pregnant!!!

Any way, I had an awesome day, my girls and their kiddies all came over for morning tea. My Nan and Pa brought my favourite spaghetti for lunch, and my hubby cooked us a 3 course meal for tea. That is actually amazing in itself as he has probably only cooked tea 3 times in the nearly 5 years we have been together.
He made salsa.... from SCRATCH!!  It was beautiful!! Ive already ordered him to make that again. Chicken wings with a special saucy coating. YUM. And also stuffed green peppers. AMAZING! It was all so yummy and the best present! He knows I love Mexican :)

I also received a couple of packages from Mr Postman and they were from my darling aunties! They are the sweetest and always give me the best presents, They know exactly what I like. Michelle gave me a spotlight voucher!! WooHoo! I'm there every week so its perfect!  And Jen sent me two beautiful crochet books! I cannot wait to own a home one day and one of my dreams is to have a library room full of books with a big armchair in the middle. So I'm so excited I have 2 more books to add to my collection :)

Thank you so much Michelle and Jen! Thank you for knowing me so well xxxx


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