Monday 6 June 2011

Best Sunday Ever!!

I love those kind of sundays that you have no plans to leave the house, its raining outside, its warm inside, the kids are playing nicely together and keeping themselves amused, tea is already in the slow cooker and you can smell it cooking all day... 

I just had one of those sundays!

I had the sewing machine going, the glue gun on, I ironed owl prints, I cut out felt, played with elastic, I have had so many new ideas floating around in my head and sunday was the day for me to try them out. It was such a relaxing creative day and with 4 cups of coffee under my belt it was very productive! :)

Sorry I dont have any sneak peak photos to show you but we will be adding new items up for sale as soon as they are completely finished!

Hope everyone else had a great weekend!

P.s I will have a post soon about what my favorite aunties bought me for my birthday :)


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