Friday 6 May 2011

2 Years Old!!

Hey guys!

We had a birthday in the family this week. My baby boy has turned 2!! Not a baby anymore, he's a... dinosaur, car, truck, train, bike loving, loud, mischevious, cheeky, adorable, sweet little man now!
His big sister has been practicing her writing so she could write in his birthday card

So sweet! Can you tell I'm a proud mum? :) I don't think it bothered Noah that she spelt his name with an 'm' in front of it.. :)

He had a great day with his family and friends. Getting lots of cars and trucks his two favourite things in the world! Mum made a birthday cake with out baking a cake! Can u believe it?  Here is my secret --


He loved it! and thankfully knew it was a train straight away :) and don't worry, there was some cake! I made cupcakes too. 
Shout out to Alana- Thank you for showing me how to make this sweet little choo choo train! xx 

I have been promising a really yummy healthy dip recipe on here so I made it yesterday for the party. here it is -

You need - 1 block of lite philli cream cheese
                    2 small carrots finely grated
                1/2 a red onion finely diced
                1 small red capsicum finely diced
                1 teaspoon chicken stock powder (I use vegeta)

And just mix everything together! its really yummy. Hubby only discovered it for the first time yesterday I usually eat it all before he sees it :) and he couldn't believe I made it (I'm not much of a cook!) He gobbled most of it up and was asking for more jatz before I had a chance to take a finished photo of it sorry! 
It really is delicious! I eat mine with plain rice crackers. I tried this dip for the first time at my dear friend Laura's house and got the recipe off of her before I finished my mouthfull :) Thank you Laura!! The original recipe used spring onions instead of the red onion but i forgot to buy spring onions the first time I made it, so I used red instead and now that's how I always make it. If you try it with the spring onions let us know how you go!

Its also a good way to get the little people to eat some veggies, they don't know whats in it!

I have a really easy mars bar slice recipe I will share soon too. I made it in patty pans for my boys b'day. Chocolate crackles are a must for every birthday party! :)

And so are party bags!!! I used brown paper lunch bags and got the kids to decorate them with crayons and pencils one afternoon, tied them up with cotton string and tucked the swirly straws in behind. so easy!  --

Hope everyone is having a great week.

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