Wednesday 11 May 2011

Dinosaur boy

So apparently my little man has a thing for drawing a mask on himself every time he finds a texta!

At first we thought his sister must of done it to him, but the second time i caught him doing it to himself!
He can hardly hold the texta properly in his little chubby hand but he turns his back to me, glides the texta all around the top half of his head then turns back around and yells "Raaaaaaaaaw" like a dinosaur...
So I've figured out he's obviously drawing a mask over himself to become a dinosaur of some sort.

He's only had his face painted once before but he must of got a taste for it and loves it!
He's probably done it around 5 times in his two whole years of life, I have proof for 3 of those times


                                                           and this is the boy today -

Maybe if mummy stopped taking his picture every time he did this it might stop! :) He does love to say 'cheese' and pose for the camera, but being this cute and the baby of the family I guess he gets away with anything :)

Do any of your kids love drawing on themselves? I remember Jaime drew lipstick on herself and eyelashes all over her eye lids with pink texta once, I don't know how she did it without looking in the mirror. She wanted to look like a princess -

It really is silly to tell them off then ask them to pose for the camera, might be sending them the wrong idea mum! Luckily I only buy washables!



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