Wednesday 18 May 2011

Introducing the 'Buggy Beanie'

Blue Sky Baby are now doing cute little lady bug beanies!


We are now taking orders for sizes :
0-3 months - 12-14"
3-6 months - 14-16"
6-12 months - 16-18"
1-3 years - 18-20"
4-12 years - 20-22"

And feel free to choose any colour you like, doesnt have to be red!
To make an order write on our facebook wall at
or send us an email at

Keep a look out people because we will be launching our new logo with a beanie giveaway!! A beanie of your choice! You need to be a follower of the blog and a 'liker' on our facebook to enter. We will be announcing the giveaway very soon!

Dani will be back soon with a 'Whats for dinner wednesday!' Thought it might be fun to post a recipe and share a photo of a meal we make for tea once a week. I like to get ideas from other people and inspiration so thought we would share with you all just for something different.

Peace out!


Alana said...

This beanie is oh so cute!

Chrissy said...

I would so love to win the lady bug beanie as i have a gorgeous outfit to match that would suit perfectly, good job guys lovin the new range and styles xo

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