Monday 30 May 2011


The very talented other half of Blue Sky Baby Danica has designed our new logo!
Told you she was the computer girl!

We have two logo designs! The one above will be on our face book page and on banners and signs we have at our market stalls in the near future .. more on that later :)

And this one will be on the front of our business cards and hair clip cards

And this is the back..

Hope you all like them!


Thursday 26 May 2011

We have HEADBANDS!!!

We finally have gotten around to making our baby head bands and have just posted them on facebook!

They are so so cute and the perfect baby shower or newborn present idea along with a little beanie of course ;) If you do have a special present in mind please let us know and we can gift wrap it for you for free and even post it forward to the lucky person! :)

Here are the crochet rosettes on wide bands. The size for all 3 are,  newborn - 3 months


These would look great for newborn photography shots!

We are making all sorts of different designs, here are a few of our favourites

Pink double yoyo. newborn - 3 months


Small pink crochet flower with button. newborn - 3 months


And a felt & fabric purple flower. size newborn - 3 months


We love creating these little head bands and are thinking of new ideas all the time. If you would like to see any different colours please let us know (yes Chris, i know your little girl would like yellow ;) will make some for her tomorrow xx ) And we can do any size you like. Just shoot us an email at or go to our facebook page and write on our wall if you would like to make an order.

So we have been quite busy with crochet beanie orders lately, that we have had to make an important business decision. We both came to the conclusion that Danica.... ...would have to learn to crochet!!

I was lucky enough to learn from my adorable Nanna (who I love to pieces!) when I was around 11-12 years old. I then didn't do much of it in my teens because I was way too cool to be doing something so nannerish!! :) But I kept picking it up again and again every time I would stay with my Nan. I started making a few baby rugs for friends and one for my own baby girl and then tried a couple of beanies but have only started properly reading patterns in the last 6 months. It took me ages to learn properly so I thought we better start teaching Dani now so when we become really overwhelmed with orders (our fingers are crossed for that moment by the way haha) she would have enough time to pick it up and eventually be ready to start selling.

Little did I know Dani would pick it up within a week and a half. A WEEK AND A HALF!!
I thought It would be months! It took me years!! I am so proud of her, she is already reading patterns and knows what the stitches are called, but I do feel a little like I'm not as special anymore lol.. I was the crocheter, she was the computer girl. Now she has one up'd me. So now I will have to learn computer. Wish me luck please because I am going to need it :)

look at this little beanie.. Its perfect!!

I'm so proud of you Dani! My little business buddy! xx

Sorry this post has been a bit of a long one. I have heaps more to tell you but the 'Oprah, second to last ever episode' is calling me!!

Call back soon guys!


Sunday 22 May 2011

Giveaway post announcement

Thank you so much to all our new likers and blog followers! We really appreciate all of your support while we are trying to get our little business up and running.

The winner of beanie give away is ........ AMBER!

Here is her comment -

My favourite is the monkey ears. Reminds me of a beanie my hubby bought for our daughter, in anticipation of her birth, but it was too small from the start! So I would love one that actually fits.

Congratulations Amber! go check your email :)
Cant wait to get started on your little one's beanie!

Thank you to everyone who entered, we loved doing this and will definitely be doing more giveaways in the future :)

Had a lovely day at the lollipop markets this morning! Miss Jaime and I had 'girl time' and left the boys at home! We got there right on 10am opening time, and the car park was packed! We lined up to get in and this was the line behind us -

It was crazy! I ended up getting the very last goody bag when i got through the doors so I know i was number 100 in the line :)

I was so overwhelmed when I walked in the doors and saw the first few stalls, everything was GORGEOUS! There are so many clever ladies out there making beautiful homemade things for their kiddies! I got to speak to a few stall holders and everyone was so nice and friendly. The space was completely jam packed, not much room for prams to get through, I was so happy I didn't have one. I could of bought a million things but I only went home with this baby -

Its a handmade notebook! Its hand bound!! And its absolutely adorable. If anyone knows me they know I like to write lists and just anything really. I do love a good notebook!
It was only $5.00 and I already have my eye on a larger one. Its from 'First To Five' look her up on fb. She also does memory books, like baby books for you to write all your baby's details down and every page is a template she has created. They are beautiful! She is very clever.

Jaime was pretty good holding my hand through the crowd so after we had seen everything we waited in line for 30 mins to get her face painted. A 'rainbow glitter butterfly' she asked for! She knows what she wants :)

Hopefully it wont be too long until we see Blue Sky Baby at lollipop markets!


Friday 20 May 2011


Its Blue Sky Babys first ever give away!

The winner of the giveaway will be able to choose a beanie from our facebook page or have one custom made for them.

All you have to do is be a liker of our facebook page and comment on this post telling us which is your favourite beanie and please leave us your email address so we can contact you if you are the lucky winner! :)
You may only enter once and the winner will be selected through on sunday night at 7:30pm.
You have from 7pm Friday until 7pm Sunday to enter.
Winner will be notified by email shortly after.

Good luck to everyone and have a great weekend!


Thursday 19 May 2011

Whats for Dinner Wednesdays (on Thursday)

Well Wednesday flew right by me, and I forgot to put up the Whats for Dinner Wednesdays Recipe, so sorry guys that its a day late, but better late than never hey!

For us, Thursdays are usually the food shop night of the week, and Wednesdays are a use whatever is left over in the fridge and pantry kinda night.

So here's what I put together :)

Lets just call it....... Chicken and Ricotta Pasta


2 chicken breast fillets cubed
2 cloves garlic crushed
1 tbsp olive oil
1/2 bag penne pasta
handful spinach leaves roughly chopped
1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese
1 red onion finely chopped
2 tbsp chives chopped up
2 tbsp parsley chopped up
1 tub smooth lite ricotta cheese
1 cup broccoli florettes
salt & pepper
pinch chilli flakes

~ Put pasta in a pot of boiling salted water and cook for reccommended cooking time.

~ Meanwhile, add cubed chicken, garlic and oil to a pan and cook chicken until browned and cooked through.

Then add broccoli florettes to the pan and cook until they are softened.

~ In a bowl, add ricotta cheese, parmesan cheese, red onion, parsley, chives, spinach, pinch of chilli flakes and pepper. Mix together.

~ Once the pasta is cooked and the broccoli is softened, add pasta to the chicken and broccoli and add the cheese and herb mixture to the pan, and cook on a low heat until cheese is melted through.


Heres a pic of my little man "helping" me cook dinner.

Hope you guys enjoy this dish as much as I did.

Peace Out!!

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Introducing the 'Buggy Beanie'

Blue Sky Baby are now doing cute little lady bug beanies!


We are now taking orders for sizes :
0-3 months - 12-14"
3-6 months - 14-16"
6-12 months - 16-18"
1-3 years - 18-20"
4-12 years - 20-22"

And feel free to choose any colour you like, doesnt have to be red!
To make an order write on our facebook wall at
or send us an email at

Keep a look out people because we will be launching our new logo with a beanie giveaway!! A beanie of your choice! You need to be a follower of the blog and a 'liker' on our facebook to enter. We will be announcing the giveaway very soon!

Dani will be back soon with a 'Whats for dinner wednesday!' Thought it might be fun to post a recipe and share a photo of a meal we make for tea once a week. I like to get ideas from other people and inspiration so thought we would share with you all just for something different.

Peace out!

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Dinosaur boy

So apparently my little man has a thing for drawing a mask on himself every time he finds a texta!

At first we thought his sister must of done it to him, but the second time i caught him doing it to himself!
He can hardly hold the texta properly in his little chubby hand but he turns his back to me, glides the texta all around the top half of his head then turns back around and yells "Raaaaaaaaaw" like a dinosaur...
So I've figured out he's obviously drawing a mask over himself to become a dinosaur of some sort.

He's only had his face painted once before but he must of got a taste for it and loves it!
He's probably done it around 5 times in his two whole years of life, I have proof for 3 of those times


                                                           and this is the boy today -

Maybe if mummy stopped taking his picture every time he did this it might stop! :) He does love to say 'cheese' and pose for the camera, but being this cute and the baby of the family I guess he gets away with anything :)

Do any of your kids love drawing on themselves? I remember Jaime drew lipstick on herself and eyelashes all over her eye lids with pink texta once, I don't know how she did it without looking in the mirror. She wanted to look like a princess -

It really is silly to tell them off then ask them to pose for the camera, might be sending them the wrong idea mum! Luckily I only buy washables!


Tuesday 10 May 2011

Winter is coming!

Hi everyone!

We hope all you gorgeous mummies out there had a nice, relaxing mothers day! Being a mum is the best, hardest, toughest and most rewarding job in the world! :) We hope you all got to have a cuddle in bed with your little ones and they were good kiddies for the rest of your mothers day!

How cold has it been this week in Adelaide? Brrrr very cold. The mink blanket has come out in our house and the slippers are on the feet! I love this snuggly weather! We have been busy making things to keep your babies nice and toasty, and have also made a chunky woolen headband to keep our own ears warm. Photos of them to come soon. I have trouble taking photos of my self :) and kiddies are to small to hold the camera still and not chop half my head out of the pic!

We have decided to make some crochet hat and scarf sets to get ready for the winter! Have just finished this cute pink and green hat with matching scarf.

We will be taking orders if you would like in a different colour or size. Please send us an email at if you would like to place an order.

And we will also be making scarfs to match our bluebird beanies!! What a cute set! Keep checking back to see photos as we finish them. We can do bluebird hats in any colour you like, we have an order for a yellow one with a cute flower so will post a pic soon to show you all!

We have also added more hair clips and hair clip boards to our facebook page so go and have a look and leave a comment or two :)

Hope you are all keeping nice and warm! Hot chocolates with marshmallows always help :)

Keep warm!
Alicia and Danica xxx


Here are some custom orders we have done recently, We wanted to show you what we can do to make your little princess's room all cute and matching!

We already had these 2 owl prints for sale and a customer wanted a third to go with them so we used a spare of the same quilt cover set she has on her daughters bed, she had a spare that was a bit worn in places, so we cut it up and used the princess image to make the centre one. Pretty!

And this is the matching sheet of the quilt cover set which we made into a hair clip board!!!

We loved making something that was so coordinated with a beautiful girls bedroom and using a quilt cover she probably would of thrown out is even better!

Feel free to email us at if you have any ideas for your own baby's bedroom that we can help you with!

By the way, we have one more set of 3 owl prints still available. Check our facebook page soon for the posting.

Over and out!

Friday 6 May 2011

2 Years Old!!

Hey guys!

We had a birthday in the family this week. My baby boy has turned 2!! Not a baby anymore, he's a... dinosaur, car, truck, train, bike loving, loud, mischevious, cheeky, adorable, sweet little man now!
His big sister has been practicing her writing so she could write in his birthday card

So sweet! Can you tell I'm a proud mum? :) I don't think it bothered Noah that she spelt his name with an 'm' in front of it.. :)

He had a great day with his family and friends. Getting lots of cars and trucks his two favourite things in the world! Mum made a birthday cake with out baking a cake! Can u believe it?  Here is my secret --


He loved it! and thankfully knew it was a train straight away :) and don't worry, there was some cake! I made cupcakes too. 
Shout out to Alana- Thank you for showing me how to make this sweet little choo choo train! xx 

I have been promising a really yummy healthy dip recipe on here so I made it yesterday for the party. here it is -

You need - 1 block of lite philli cream cheese
                    2 small carrots finely grated
                1/2 a red onion finely diced
                1 small red capsicum finely diced
                1 teaspoon chicken stock powder (I use vegeta)

And just mix everything together! its really yummy. Hubby only discovered it for the first time yesterday I usually eat it all before he sees it :) and he couldn't believe I made it (I'm not much of a cook!) He gobbled most of it up and was asking for more jatz before I had a chance to take a finished photo of it sorry! 
It really is delicious! I eat mine with plain rice crackers. I tried this dip for the first time at my dear friend Laura's house and got the recipe off of her before I finished my mouthfull :) Thank you Laura!! The original recipe used spring onions instead of the red onion but i forgot to buy spring onions the first time I made it, so I used red instead and now that's how I always make it. If you try it with the spring onions let us know how you go!

Its also a good way to get the little people to eat some veggies, they don't know whats in it!

I have a really easy mars bar slice recipe I will share soon too. I made it in patty pans for my boys b'day. Chocolate crackles are a must for every birthday party! :)

And so are party bags!!! I used brown paper lunch bags and got the kids to decorate them with crayons and pencils one afternoon, tied them up with cotton string and tucked the swirly straws in behind. so easy!  --

Hope everyone is having a great week.

Please leave us a comment and checkout our facebook page!


Sunday 1 May 2011

Introducing 'The Blue Bird Beanie!'

This is our latest design for Blue Sky Baby -

Isn't it adorable?!!  It would be so sweet to use for a photography session or even everyday wear when your little one is out and about in the cold. Just in time for winter you can order in these sizes -
~ Newborn - 3 months
~ 3 - 12 Months
~ 12 months - 5 Years
~ 5 Years to Teen

We will be trying them out in different colours, Yellow and Pink are first on the list!
Very Sweet!

Have also finished a scalloped edge design, that we will call 'Sweet Lily' this can either be a plain one or with a flower-


You can order the sweet Lily in these sizes and in any colour you like -

0-3 Months – 14.5" x 5.5"
3-6 Months – 15.5"x 6"
6-12 Months – 16.5" x 6.5"
12 Months – 3 years – 17.5" x 7"
3-10 Years – 18.5" x 7.5"

If you would like to make an order please send us an email at or post us a message on our facebook wall.

Progress update-

Our wonderful friend Mr Postman has finally delivered most of our hand stamping tools and supplies!  We have been practicing madly and are already wearing our first necklace designs we have made. It doesn't matter if Jaime's name has an upside down 'g' where the 'a' was supposed to go, It was my practice piece, I love it anyway! ;)

We are still waiting for a few different sterling silver pendants to stamp to complete our designs and as soon as we have completed them we will make an announcement here on the blog and post them to order on our face book page.
We cannot wait and hope you love them as much as we love making them!

Well i hope they announce the gold logie winner soon its nearly 11:30pm and this mumma is getting sleepy! Yes I'm watching the logies! Go Karl Stefanovic!!  Cant wait to see him on the morning television tomorrow, I think he might have had a couple of drinks already! :)  Who are you hoping wins? Who was your best dressed?  I loved Yumi's little black dress and Carrie Bickmore's gold chain dress! And loved Shelly crafts hairdo! LOVED IT! Let us know your thoughts in the comments! If your still awake ;)

Peace out!