Wednesday 3 August 2011

Party Ideas!

I'm back! We have Internet again Woo Hoo!!

We are hoping to make this blogging thing a more regular occasion now. We would love to get some more followers so spread the word and please click the follow button on the right hand side if you haven't already and please leave us comments in the comment section after the post. We love hearing your feedback and comments and love knowing people out there are actually reading what we write :)

So my little Miss turned 4 on Monday! Starting kindy at the end of the month too which is absolutely frightening me but she's been asking to go ever since her 2nd bday so I know she is ready!

We had my Grandparents over for some afternoon tea and some of her little friends came over after that so I had a few little goodies set out on the table to make it a little bit of a party. I found a few ideas on Pinterest my new favourite obsession and thought I would share them with you guys to get some inspiration for your next kiddy party!

All the ideas were super cheap and pretty easy, since we decided we wouldn't be having proper birthday party's for the kids this year, I just wanted to do a little something so it still seemed special for Miss Jaime :)

My favourite is the cups! Dipped in melted chocolate and then in 100's and 1000's. Served with  chocolate milk and my absolute favourite striped paper straws! (which I actually ordered from the UK as the first thing I bought ready for our wedding back in Feb, I hadn't even looked at dress's or anything like that but I had my straws!!And that's all that mattered to me! haha)

Aren't they cute? I saw the idea done with small glasses but thought for a 4 year olds birthday plastic cups would be better and i think the bright coloured Ikea cups look great.

Then I did some strawberry and marshmallow's on sticks, with the ends dipped in melted chocolate and more sprinkles. Jaime's favourite foods are strawberries and marshmallows so thought she would love this idea. I was right :)

The melted chocolate on the bottom makes them easy to stand up and you could do any kind of fruit on these and even thread some different lollies on them too. (just remember to to watch the kids with the sticks, I cut the point off the end of the stick to make it a little less sharp)

And the other idea I found was Oreo biscuits on a stick dipped in chocolate and sprinkles. Yum!

Sorry for the poor photo. We really need to invest on a proper camera instead of relying on our trusty iphones.  Anyway, I think I should of tied a bow around the bottom of the all sticks together because it looks like a bunch of balloons doesn't it? When I saw the idea they were standing up, the sticks were sticking out of something and they looked great that way, but I didn't have much time to think about what I could use to stand them up, so onto the plate they went. I think the kids loved these the most :)

I had so much fun preparing these ideas and cant wait to do them again for another party. I know Dani has a big double birthday coming up soon with even better ideas so hopefully she will share them with us all on the blog. I cant wait to help her get things ready for her kiddies party its going to be a fun one!

Miss J's day was filled with princess dress-ups and barbies.. and look what her clever Aunti Dani built her especially for her birthday -

A dress-up hanging box. Isn't it awesome?? Painted in her fave colour too. I am so amazed that Dani saw this idea and thought she would give it a go and pulled it off perfectly! I would never in a million years think that someone like me could build this but Dani has inspired me to look at things differently. You don't know you can't do something with out giving it a go first. You might just surprise yourself!

Thank you so much Dani for this very special present. I cant wait to see your next creation! We do need desks remember love??? heehee :)

Hope everyone is having a great week. Let us know in the comments if you have tried anything creative lately :)

Peace out! xx